6. Vyradte limonády. Sycené nápoje jsou v podstatě prázdné kalorie v plechovce, a měly by být první věci, kterou při přechodu na zdravou výživu vyradite. Dokonce i dietní verze by měly být odstraněny, protože jsou plné umělých sladidel. Dietní a non-dietní verze sycených nápojů způsobuji nadýmání, což je to poslední, co chcete za cílem menšího pasu.
Čista voda je nejlepší alternativou. Nicméně, pokud zjistíte, že stara dobra voda je příliš nudné, zkuste pít vodu s lístky máty, citronu, limetky, nebo s dokonce pár mraženymi malinami - Buďte kreativní!
Nepoužívejte brčka. Způsobuje vsávani více vzduchu do žaludku, kdyz pijete, což vede k nadýmání a většímu břichu.
7. Vyhněte se zpracovaným potravinam. Dokonce i když pečlivě sledujete velikosti porcí a důsledně cvičite, vaše hubnutí může být významně narušeno konzumaci zpracovaných potravin. To je proto, že zpracované potraviny mají obvykle vysoký obsah cukru a škrobu, které omezují hubnutí a vedou k nahromadění škodlivých toxinů.
Buďte zvláště opatrní, pokud jde o výrobky, které jsou označeny jako "bez-tuku", jako jsou sýry, pečivo, jogurty, atd Tyto výrobky mohou mít nízký obsah tuku, ale oni jsou obvykle baleny s extra cukrem a prázdnými sacharidy a nabízi jen velmi málo nutričních hodnot.
Měli byste se také vyhnout zpracovaným potravinam s vysokým obsahem soli, jako hotovych pokrmů a mraženého zboží. Sůl vede k zadržování vody v těle a způsobuje nadýmání.
8. Pravidelne cvičte. Pokud opravdu chcete zmensit pas, pak se budete muset zavázat k pravidelným a důsledným cvičením. Skvělé výsledky lze dosáhnout pouze s tvrdou práci a odhodláním.
Zkuste si vytvorit cvičební plán, kde začnete na rozumné úrovni, a budete postupně budovat intenzitu cvičení. Vedte si evidenci o tom, co cvicite a kontrolujte pokrok.
Nakonec zjistíte pravidelne cvičení prispeje k celkovému zdraví a kondici.
9. Praktikujte hodne kardia. Jak již bylo zmíněno dříve, ztráta tuku je důležita, bohužel, neexistuje žádný způsob, jak zaměřit hubnutí v určité oblasti vašeho těla. Celková ztráta hmotnosti je jediná možnost. Kardiovaskulární cvičení je nejlepší forma cvičení pro spalování kalorií.
Běh, skákání a jízda na kole jsou vynikající kardio, které obvykle nevyžaduje členství ve fitku. Levné, ale přesto velmi efektivní, proto není žádná omluva nezačlenit trochu kardia do vašeho tréninku.
Zaměřte se na 30 minut kardia cvičení, čtyřikrát až pětkrát týdně, pro dosažení nejlepších výsledků.
10. Zamerte se na cviky tvarujici svaly kolem pasu.
Lehnete si na záda a zvednete nohy až do úhlu 90 stupňů a vaše lopatky z podlahy. Dotykejte se prsty kotniku ve vzduchu. Opakujte 100 kmitu.
Cvicte sklapovacky. Lehnete na zada, polozte nohy na střední jóga míč, rukama zkříženýma proti hrudníku. Opakujte 30x.
Sklapovacky na kazdou stranu 10x.
Plank 1 min.
Lehnete si na bok. Zvedejte obe nohy nahoru a dotykejte se pravou rukou, leva ruka polozena na zemi. 5 x na kazdou stranu.
en -
6. Cut out carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks are basically empty calories in a can, and should be the first thing to go when switching to a healthy diet. Even the diet versions should be eliminated, as they are full of artificial sweeteners which build up as harmful toxins in the body. Both diet and non-diet versions of carbonated drinks will also cause bloating, which is the last thing you want when aiming for a smaller waist.
- Plain water is the best alternative, as it flushes out your system, reduces bloating and keeps the body hydrated. However, if you find plain old water too boring, try drinking water with a hint of flavoring like mint leaves, lemon, lime, or even toss in a few frozen raspberries or create a combination- Be creative! Vitamin water, or naturally sweetened iced teas also make a significantly healthier alternative to sodas.
- Don’t use straws. You should also avoid using straws to sip your drinks, as straws cause you to suck more air into your stomach as you drink, leading to bloating and a bigger belly. Drink straight from the cup instead to avoid.
7. Avoid processed foods. Even if you are carefully monitoring your portion sizes and consistently working out, your weight loss can be significantly impaired by a continued consumption of processed foods. This is because processed foods typically have high sugar and starch contents, which limit weight loss and lead to the build up of harmful toxins.
- Be extra careful when it comes to products that are marked “non-fat”, such as cheeses, breads, yogurts, etc. These products may have a low fat content, but they are usually packed with extra sugar and empty carbohydrates, and offer very little, if any, nutritional value. Some frozen processed organic meals are actually not too bad, as long as you make sure to carefully read all the labels and check the content and ingredients list.
- You should also avoid processed food products with a high salt content, such as ready-meals and frozen goods, as the salt leads to water retention and causes bloating. Just go for fresh foods instead of pre-packaged or frozen whenever possible.
8. Commit to an exercise routine. If you really want to trim your waist, you will need to commit to a regular and rigorous exercise routine. Great results will only come with hard work and dedication, so make sure you are prepared to put in the necessary effort before you begin. On the other hand, if you begin exercising too rigorously from the get-go, you may become disheartened and disillusioned, and therefore much more inclined to give up.
To overcome this, try making an exercise plan where you start at a reasonable level, before gradually building yourself up to longer more intense exercise routines. Keep a log of what you’re doing each time in a record book or diary and check your progress against this.
Eventually you’ll find yourself exercising regularly without feeling worn out or disinterested in it and your waist, along with your overall health and fitness, will have benefited a great deal.
9. Do plenty of cardio. As mentioned before, weight loss is essential when it comes to losing inches from your waist. Unfortunately, there is no way to target weight loss in a specific area of your body, so overall weight loss is the only option. Cardiovascular exercise is the best form of exercise for burning calories, so it is essential to any weight loss routine.
- Running, skipping and cycling are all excellent cardio options, which usually don’t even require a gym membership. Cheap, yet extremely effective, there’s no excuse not to incorporate a little cardio into your workout.
- You should aim to do 30 minutes of cardio exercise, four to five times a week, for best results.
10. Do specific waist-shaping exercises. Even though you can’t target weight loss on your waist, you can certainly perform certain exercises which tone and slim the muscles around the mid-section.
Do the ‘hundred’ exercise. This is done by lying on your back and lifting your legs up to a 90 degree angle and your shoulder blades off the floor. Begin by pumping your arms straight out to the side, and repeat for 100 pumps. Breath in through the nose for five pumps and out through the mouth for five pumps.
Suck in your stomach. Try to keep your stomach sucked in throughout the day, while sitting at your desk, in the car or at the grocery store. This works the stomach muscles, while simultaneously making you look slimmer. Over time, you won’t even notice you’re doing it!
Do sit ups. Try sit ups using a sturdy object such as a medium-sized yoga ball or the arm of a sofa. The best way to do sit ups is with your hands crossed against your chest. Putting your hands in front of you puts less strain on your neck and makes it easier for you (resulting in less of an ab workout). Work up to doing five sets of sit ups, with 30 repetitions in each set.
Do twist crunches. This requires you to lie on your back and bend your knees up while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Bring your fingers up to touch your ears and slowly contract your abdominal muscles, lifting your torso off the ground. When you’re at the point of feeling you can’t lift your body any further, contract your side muscles and turn gently to the left. Return your torso flat to the floor. Repeat on the right side. Build up to a set of 10 repetitions.
Do the bridge. Get into the position for doing a push up. Rest on your elbows and keep your eyes to the floor at all times. Pull your stomach muscles in tight, imagining them touching your backbone. As you do this, your bottom should be down and your back straight. Aim to hold this position for about a minute.
Do the horizontal plank. Lie down on a comfortable mat, on your right side. Rest on your right arm and extend your legs outward, placing your right foot on top of your left foot. In this position, slowly lift your pelvis up from the floor. Continue to bear weight on your right forearm and feet. Aim to hold this lift for around 10-15 seconds. Repeat 5 times for each side.
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